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Issue 1 - March 2022

Reshaping our meaning in life to cope with uncertainty


Publication Date: 2022-03-20


Many authors have compared the times we are living in with La Peste by Albert Camus 1-3. In his masterpiece, the French writer narrated the outbreak of a plague epidemic in the Algerian city of Oran and took it as an expedient to explore existential issues, such as death, love, sympathy, and hope 4. Like La Peste, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed human beings to reflect on their own lives. Many people have taken the forced isolation as an opportunity to reflect inward, explore their deepest fears and frustrations, and examine the uncountable challenges that this experience is posing and will eventually arise in the future. Like La Peste, COVID-19 has disclosed the fragility of human existence and the meaninglessness of materialistic belongings. Ultimately, it has compelled individuals to re-modulate their own existences.



Eugenio Aguglia - Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, AOU Policlinico “G. Rodolico-San Marco”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy; President of the Italian Society of Psychopathology

How to Cite
Aguglia, E. 2022. Reshaping our meaning in life to cope with uncertainty. Journal of Psychopathology. 28, 1 (Mar. 2022).
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